5 Fun Things To Do with Your Dog in Summer

Summertime's warmer weather and longer days are the perfect opportunity to bond with your dog outdoors. From beach outings to hiking adventures, there are countless fun things to do with your dog in summer.

We can all use some inspiration for ways to go beyond the regular walks and activities of the less-friendly-weather times of the year. Here are some of our favorite ways we embrace summer with our own Mighty Paw pups.

First, 3 key health tips to remember for all summer outings:

1) Hydrating and providing shade

Keeping your dog hydrated is crucial during the summer months. Always carry a portable water bowl and fresh water for your dog, especially when engaging in outdoor activities.

Keeping your dog out of the hot sun is important as well. Whether you're on a hike, at a dog park, at the beach, or in your back yard, make sure there's a cool, shaded area where your dog can rest and avoid overheating.

2) Protecting paws from hot surfaces

Hot pavement and sand can quickly burn your dog's paws. To prevent this, walk your dog during cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or late evening. Always test the ground with your hand; if it's too hot for you, it's too hot for your dog.

3) Spotting signs of heat stroke in dogs -- and preventing it

Heat stroke is a serious risk for dogs during summer. Symptoms include excessive panting, drooling, lethargy, and vomiting. To prevent heat stroke, avoid strenuous activities during peak heat, provide plenty of water, and never leave your dog in a parked car. If you suspect heat stroke, move your dog to a cooler area, offer water, and get veterinary care immediately.

A couple essentials to make it easier to keep your dog hydrated on the go:

With summer's health and safety tips in mind, here are 5 activities to help you and your dog jump into adventures to make this your best summer together.

5 dog-happy summer adventures & activities to enjoy with your dog

1) Visit a dog-friendly beach or lake.

Summer is the perfect time to hit the beach or lake with your dog. Many locations now offer dog-friendly areas where your pup can swim and play.

What better way to cool off on a hot summer day than taking a trip to the beach? Many beaches have designated areas for dogs to run, swim, and play freely. Just be sure to check the rules and regulations of the beach beforehand, as some may require leashes or are only open certain hours for dogs. There are so many more beaches and lakes welcoming dogs now. And if you're traveling for your beach or lake adventure, your options for finding a dog-friendly hotel are more plentiful than ever.

Pro tips for a safe, fun water play with dogs

  • Ensure your dog is comfortable with water before heading to the beach or lake.
  • Start with shallow areas and gradually introduce deeper water.
  • Bring your dog's toys that float for interactive play; if you're playing ball in the ocean, be sure your dog doesn't swallow much saltwater. Drinking large amounts can be fatal. When a dog drinks saltwater, the salt draws water from the dog's blood into its intestines, causing severe dehydration with vomiting, and diarrhea.
  • Always supervise your dog around water. Keep designated eyes on your dog at all times.
  • Rinse or bathe with fresh water after swimming to prevent skin irritation from saltwater or lake debris.
  • Keep an eye out for blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria) or other air/water irritants such as red tide. Both are toxic and blue-green algae is quickly fatal for dogs. Check local conditions with area water-monitoring authorities beforehand to keep your dog safe.

Remember, not all dogs are natural swimmers. Consider using a dog life jacket, especially for smaller or less confident swimmers. Avoid strong currents and keep an eye out for signs of fatigue. Always have a plan for emergencies and know the nearest location of veterinary services.

2) Hike dog-friendly, sense-stimulating trails.

Exploring nature with your dog is a rewarding experience for both of you. For your dog, it's an opportunity to be relaxed and stimulated through every dog's number-one sense: smell.

Look for dog-friendly trails that match your dog's fitness level. National parks, state parks, and local nature reserves often have trails open to dogs and are a wonderful departure from your usual walks or fallback dog parks. You'll want to check regulations and trail conditions before you actually head out with your pup.

Pro tips on trail etiquette, must-haves, and safety

  • Keep your dog on a leash unless in designated off-leash areas.
  • Yield to other hikers and wildlife, and, of course, always clean up after your dog.
  • Stay on marked trails to protect the environment and avoid hazards.
  • Bring water and a collapsible bowl, poop bags, a leash, a sturdy/comfortable harness, and dog-healthy snacks. And to give your dog more freedom with on-leash control, you might want to try an extra-long leash in 15 or 30 foot lengths.
  • A first-aid kit tailored for dogs can be invaluable in case of minor injuries.
  • Don't forget a map or GPS to stay on track.

3) Make DIY cooling dog treats.

Frozen treats are a great way to keep your dog cool, hydrated, and entertained. They're also an opportunity to give your dog nutritious, fresh foods as a treat or even a topper in your pup's bowl.

Pro tips for making healthful frozen treats at home

  • Start with bite-sized (or slightly larger) molds or ice trays. Or try a lick pad for a longer-lasting, engaging treat. Then either with a blender or by hand mix or liquefy ingredients for various combo treats.
  • Incorporate fruits and veggies like blueberries, carrots, and sweet potatoes high in antioxidants and other nutrients.
  • Try blending plain yogurt with dog-healthy peanut butter (one made especially for dogs with only peanuts, no sugar) and freezing it in molds or spread on a lick pad.
  • Another simple recipe to try is mixing chicken broth with filtered water.

Freeze your mold, ice trays, or lick pads and treat your dog to great-tasting, nutritious, fun-to-give hydration.

4) Set up outdoor games.

Need ideas for games to play with your dog outdoors?

Keep your dog active physically and mentally with engaging outdoor games.

  • Fetch is a classic favorite. All you need is a ball or other thow-able toy and you can do it anywhere, at home, at the beach, in a park. (Not on hot days, of course.)
  • You can also try a DIY agility course, tug-of-war, or hide and seek with treats or favorite toys.
  • Setting up a sprinkler or kiddie pool can add an extra element of fun and help keep your dog cool. For water-loving dogs, both are heaven (and a joy to watch)!

5) Join in dog community activities.

Connecting with other dog owners/dog lovers can multiply the summer fun -- and enhance life throughout the year with your dog. Look for local happenings like dog meetups, outdoor movie nights, and dog-friendly events and festivals.

Check with area rescues and your local education-oriented pet store who are likely to sponsor these events and fundraisers. These activities give you and your dog socialization opportunities at different levels you can enjoy based on your dog's comfort.

Benefits of socializing and staying connected

For most dogs, regular socialization helps improve behavior and reduces anxiety. If your dog is fearful, take it slow at first with positive dog training techniques and limit your exposure to one "easy" dog (aka a laidback or familiar dog) at a time in a controlled situation; you can gradually introduce your pup to more socializing as your dog's comfort and confidence increase.

Attending community events allows your dog to interact with other dogs and people, fostering essential social skills. Joining a dog community also connects you to support, advice, and shared experiences with fellow dog parents.

Summer offers endless opportunities to create lasting memories with your dog. From happy beach days to scenic hikes, every moment spent together strengthens your bond. Remember to prioritize safety, stay hydrated, and enjoy the simple joys of the season.

Let's make this summer unforgettably fun for both you and your dog.

Happy, adventure-filled summer!

At Mighty Paw, we believe in helping all dogs live their healthiest, happiest, and fullest lives by our sides. That's why we're dedicated to finding ways to help you bring more joy to your dog and your adventures together. And to help you know and navigate the safety watch-outs of summer activities successfully.

We're committed to providing high-quality products that are safe, durable, and practical for everything you need to keep your pup healthy, happy, and enjoying every moment with you.

Keep exploring our products for more of the best for dogs! And don't forget to follow us on social media!

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